The Asia eHealth Information Network has organized a TOGAF certification training for its AeHIN member countries via Zoom last June 1-4, 2021. CC and C Solutions facilitated the online training which was attended by members from the Ministry of Health of Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, the Philippines, Thailand, and Viet Nam.

AeHIN believes in providing TOGAF® Enterprise Architecture (EA) knowledge and credentials for medical and paramedical professionals to support the successful outcome of eHealth ICT projects. AeHIN is of the view that providing such comprehensive training for their members across South and Southeast Asian countries would help augment skills, techniques, and appreciation in delivering effective and successful projects. In this context, AeHIN has approached CC and C Solutions to provide TOGAF®9 Enterprise Architecture accreditation training program.

The purpose of certification for TOGAF 9 Level 1 & 2, known as TOGAF 9 Foundation & TOGAF 9 Certified, is to provide validation, knowledge, and comprehension of the TOGAF specification. Upon completion of this course, the candidate should be able to analyze and apply this knowledge to their day-to-day work and should also be able to successfully complete the TOGAF L1 and L2 Certification Exams. This training helps the participants to gain more understanding about Enterprise Architecture through many situations, and learn from each other’s experiences through the discussion among participants.

In the discussions, many countries shared that they face similar challenges because most healthcare systems are fragmented and data cannot be shared at different levels which makes communications among groups harder. Another challenge in developing EA is getting people to collaborate because organizations have different legacies.

The discussions among the group offered various ways to approach and address the aforementioned challenges, but executing them depends on the current situation in the respective countries.