1 December 2021, 7:00-9:30 PM (Bangkok Time)

Thailand has successfully implemented universal health coverage (UHC) program since 2002. Three major health insurance schemes, the civil servant medical beneficiary scheme (CSMBS), the social security scheme (SSS) and the universal health care scheme (UHCS), have been implemented. Out- patient and in-patient services provider payment data systems are locally specified which lead to the limitation to integrate and exchange data among insurance scheme both with-in country and international. Recently, the national public health reform commission initiates an innovative healthcare information systems project to create integrated healthcare information systems and adopting international health data standard in stepwise strategy, starting with standardized healthcare claim data. This workshop will provide the project information, FHIR standard demonstration to healthcare stakeholders; hospitals, health information system developer, academia and health care manager.

Registration open to the public:
Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcqd-GoqDIjG923YGJNbk6s22in4SUVleYW
Meeting ID: 837 0806 9919