2 December 2021, 9:30 AM-5 PM (Thimphu Time)

The health sector of Bhutan has made tremendous efforts in adoption of technology admits this COIVD-19 pandemic. One of such achievement is going for paperless vaccine program with the implementation of the Bhutan Vaccine System. Bhutan also has ePIS, a HIS Flagship project coming up as priority project of the current government. One common important aspects of these systems remains to have data interoperable between the systems and also exchange data with other systems of other agencies and other countries for travel pre-requisites and other covid-19. As many countries and agencies have different systems and data requirements, Bhutan needs to prepare how to take the interoperability forward to take advantage of interoperability forward global arena in a standard and secured manner. In order to identify standard solution, Bhutan shall host one day interoperability event where stakeholders from government agencies, medical professional and IT firms shall discuss come out on way forward to adopt the right solution.