3 December 2021, 1:30 PM Vientiane Time
During the Digital Health Convergence Workshop held in March 2021, stakeholders agreed on developing the foundations for digital health such as Governance, Architecture, Program Management and Standards. In addition, the workshop produced an action plan for the next five years focusing on 7 priorities such as infrastructure, workforce, services and applications, standards and interoperability, leadership and governance, strategy and investment, and policy and legislation. The Ministry of Health will host a half day workshop with the support of the Asia eHealth Information Network (AeHIN), to gather digital health stakeholders and developing partners to present the findings of the Digital Health Convergence Workshop, prioritize key focus areas, map resources, and align for action. In addition, this workshop will serve as reference for the redaction of the next 5-year Digital Health Strategic Plan to build a cost-efficient, interoperable, and sustainable Digital Health.