AeHIN is a pool of health and IT professionals from South and Southeast Asia committed to promote better use of ICTs to achieve better health.

The Asia eHealth Information Network (AeHIN) is a collaboration of digital health advocates from South and South-East Asia committed to promote interoperability for better health. To promote a vision of a strengthened interoperable digital health ecosystem for better health in Asia, AeHIN has been promoting learning, resource sharing and knowledge exchange to strengthen digital health through the networking approach.

Created in 2011, AeHIN has over 2,400 members with presence in 84 countries. AeHIN is incorporated in Hong Kong and maintains secretariats in Manila, Bangkok, Jakarta, and Kuala Lumpur.

AeHIN has helped build capacity in the region by laying down national health information foundations: governance, architecture, program management, standards and interoperability designed to support country efforts to develop and implement their national digital health strategies. These activities include conferences, general meetings, certification training, webinars on specialized topics, online repositories, contributing to regional and global digital health, body of knowledge and publications etc.



Interoperable digital health systems for universal health coverage and health systems in Asia.


Promote learning, resource sharing and knowledge exchange to strengthening digital health through the networking approach.

AeHIN’s 4 Strategic Areas

  • Promote leadership and governance for digital health
  • Facilitate capacity-building for digital health
  • Create opportunities for knowledge exchange and resource sharing
  • Enable interoperability through standards


The Asia eHealth Information Network (AeHIN) has its root as early as 2007 when the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), a Canadian federal Crown corporation formed the PAN Asian Collaboration for Evidence-based eHealth Adoption and Application (PANACeA). PANACeA brought together 16 researchers from 10 Asian countries to learn about eHealth and eHealth research, and join hands to implement eight multi-national research projects. This network supported multi-country research projects with mentorship from eHealth experts who provided leadership in the form of the Advisory and Monitoring Team (AMT). The projects ranged from evaluating the effectiveness of using technologies for management of health information in hospital and community settings (Health Informatics and mHealth), to providing patient care at a distance (Telehealth).

By 2010 PANACeA members were able to witness an interoperability demonstration in Cape Town, South Africa funded by IDRC and Rockefeller Foundation. Future members of AeHIN saw for the first time how to establish an interoperability framework, based on the Canadian experience accessible to developing countries.

AeHIN was formed in 2011 to help Asian countries with digital health development. In 2015, AeHIN registered as an NGO in Hong Kong. From seven members in six countries, AeHIN has expanded to more than 2,400 members from 84 countries and has collaborated with over 20 developing and implementing partners.

The recent AeHIN General Meeting held in Jakarta, Indonesia, from November 6-9, 2023, with the theme “Ensuring Digital Health for Better Outcomes: Putting Blueprints into Practice,” had over 500 participants from 43 countries joining the event both onsite and online.