Digital Health Convergence Stakeholder Workshop

3 December 2021, 1:30 PM Vientiane Time During the Digital Health Convergence Workshop held in March 2021, stakeholders agreed on developing the foundations for digital health such as Governance, Architecture, Program Management and Standards. In addition, the workshop produced an action plan for the next five years focusing on 7 priorities such as infrastructure, workforce,

2021-11-25T17:58:47+08:00November 25th, 2021|

Bhutan eHealth Interoperability Stakeholder Workshop

2 December 2021, 9:30 AM-5 PM (Thimphu Time) The health sector of Bhutan has made tremendous efforts in adoption of technology admits this COIVD-19 pandemic. One of such achievement is going for paperless vaccine program with the implementation of the Bhutan Vaccine System. Bhutan also has ePIS, a HIS Flagship project coming up as priority

2021-11-26T10:13:50+08:00November 25th, 2021|

Integrated healthcare insurance claim data with FHIR standard workshop (Thailand)

1 December 2021, 7:00-9:30 PM (Bangkok Time) Thailand has successfully implemented universal health coverage (UHC) program since 2002. Three major health insurance schemes, the civil servant medical beneficiary scheme (CSMBS), the social security scheme (SSS) and the universal health care scheme (UHCS), have been implemented. Out- patient and in-patient services provider payment data systems are

2021-11-25T17:49:23+08:00November 25th, 2021|

Guided Walkthrough on Philippine National Health Data Standards Policy and Submission Process

29 November 2021, 12:00-1:30 PM Manila time The Philippines Department of Health was one of the earliest adopters of IT Governance in Asia when it created the multi-sectoral National eHealth Steering Committee and Technical Working Group in 2013. With this structure, mechanisms for clear decision-making, delegation of accountabilities, and sectoral investments were created. Recently, new

2021-11-25T17:53:20+08:00November 25th, 2021|

Ethiopia’s COVID-19 surveillance experience (27 Aug 2020)

Ethiopia’s COVID-19 surveillance experience provides important lessons on the need to quickly shift from aggregate reporting to patient tracking at the national level. In our upcoming webinar on August 27, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the processes of decision-making for platform selection, business process identification and prioritization, patient data access governance, and

2020-08-24T01:58:48+08:00August 20th, 2020|

Role of openIMIS in Health Management Curriculum of ASMPH (27 July 2020)

We look forward to seeing you again in our next #openIMIS webinar on July 27 at 9 PM Manila time. In this session, Ms. Nicole Lim from the Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health will deliver a webinar that will highlight the features of openIMIS that can improve the Health Informatics Management curriculum

2020-08-24T02:17:52+08:00July 24th, 2020|

Ensuring Health Data Science Works for All (30 July 2020)

While data science and artificial intelligence technologies in healthcare (collectively known as Health Data Science) have the potential for substantial positive impact on healthcare, they have also drawn substantial concern regarding their potential to worsen health disparities. In this webinar, Dr. Leo Celi will present their paper that situates the discussion around HDS within

2020-08-24T02:12:31+08:00July 24th, 2020|
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